Use Pop Up Ads Effectively
Pop up advertising is a big business. They make almost twice the amount your normal CPM banner makes you. You might have seen pop up ads on many websites and they are very effective if you do it right way. These ads are good to bad. If you are using it properly, you can bring your viewers back. If you are not using these the way it should be used, you are going to annoy your viewers and they might not return back. You might have seen file hosting websites have lots of annoying pop up ads. A pop up ad which when closing, opens another pop up ad and then another. These huge number of pop ups sometimes crash your browser. Once I had to download some files from a file host and there were many mirror sites. When I clicked on the website link, it drastically opened pop up ad which in turn opened another and then another. This is really annoying. I stopped visiting that website once and for all and I used another one which uses less pop ups and doesn’t annoy. Imagine if everyone thinks the same way, you are going to lose your viewers no matter how good your content may be. By using pop up ads excessively, you are losing your viewers. Today, I am going to tell you some really effective ways to use pop up ads and make money without bothering your viewers.
Limit the Pop up Ads: The first rule of thumb is to limit the Pop up Ads on your website. You should not use more than one pop up ad for a single page of your website. Although many ad networks may say you to use more than one pop up ad, it is not really recommended. Pop up ad is used to show a service or offer to the visitors. Instead of engaging an exact ad, if you are making them to see n’ number of pop up ads, then be ready to lose more visitors. No one is going to look into the ads. Be smart enough and use a single pop up. If your sole purpose is to make money without worrying about visitors, you can use n number of pop ups and I bet you will see decline in your website visitors.
Choose a Good Ad Network: A good ad network will deliver the best ad for the website. If a pop up ad is relevant to your niche and if it delivers, then your visitor will be more than happy. If your visitor is happy, he/she will definitely visit your site back.
Quality of Ad: Quality of Ad is nothing but the genuineness of the ad. Ad sometimes delivers malware and these malware sometimes sit either on your website or they infect visitors system. If you come across any such ad please either block the ad from your account dashboard or report the ad network.
Website Performance: This is very important because it not just affects the site to load, but also your site SEO. Keep a track of your ads and monitor these on Google Analytics.
Use Interstitial: Pop ups and Interstitial are quite similar. While pop up ads opens suddenly when clicking something on the website, interstitial slowly delivers the message that they want. Interstitial Ads will usually contain 300×250 size of banner or a full size video. Track which one is better for your website (Interstitial or Pop up ads) and continue using them.
I hope this article will help you by making money online using pop up ads. Please write your views in the comment section and let others know by sharing this article.